In thrall to the prince of fools

 April Fool’s Day isn’t what it used to be. When every day in America is a carousel of freakish absurdity, the traditional pranks and fake news stories no longer seem amusing.

Consider the above photo (in Monday’s New York Times): a venue full of rubes actually worshiping at the altar of noted theologian Donald Trump. The story goes on to detail how Trump is profitably mining the rich vein of ignorance among credulous Christians. He’s closing his rallies with self-serving prayers and sharing articles like “The Crucifixion of Donald Trump.” He’s hawking those $60 Bibles. Coming soon: a $99 MAGA-branded crown of thorns. Or, for you platinum-level disciples, two for $249! 

I can’t say anything about Trump that has not been said. Nobody can. Nor can we wait for his DJT stock to tank, or his cheapo Bibles to dissolve in direct sunlight, or for the many guilty verdicts that will follow his many upcoming felony trials. None of it will matter to people who willingly don those ridiculous hats and t-shirts and bow their heads while Trump pretends to pal around with Christ. 

A lot of fools in America, and not just on April 1. Unfortunately, this joke lasts from now until November.
