Times are tough? Here's how you cope

Look, I try not to be so cynical all the time. I didn't exactly make a New Year's resolution to see the good in all things, but I have flirted with the idea that a more positive outlook wouldn't hurt, in certain situations. So I'm grateful that Victoria Osteen is out there offering positive reinforcement. A wretch like me can use it.

Victoria, the beautiful millionaire and co-pastor of the 16,000-seat Lakewood Church in Houston, is touring the country offering tips, to those who aren't beautiful and aren't millionaires, about coping during these uncertain times. If people ask, she will also mention her new book, Love Your Life: Living Happy, Healthy and Whole, which debuted at No. 2 on the New York Times bestseller list but has since vanished from view.

In her interview with CNN, Victoria sums up the section on finances: "I think we could all do better sometimes of not overextending ourselves as much. It's easy in our day and age to just extend ourselves in the credit line and things like that."

We? Let's not go there. That would be cynical. She got a tough message, but it needs to be said: Restraint, people. You think Victoria buys a new Bentley every time she wants one? No, because it's all about family. And God. Don't forget to tithe. All major credit cards accepted.

On the strength of the interview, I recommend everyone buy this book. The thing is, if you're not gorgeous and wealthy in these uncertain times, you're going to need all the help you can get.


Uriah Robinson said…
She is gorgeous and made even more gorgeous by the picture of Mickey Rourke you posted yesterday.
Anonymous said…
I am glad that you are trying to be less cynical thse days. Though, it would seem that Victoria's beauty and wealth are testing you. It might help to remember that Victoria was both beautiful and wealthy before she entered the ministry and that she does not take a salary from the church. Perhaps she is sincere about what she is doing... a rare quality these days, but one that could help you be less cynical. Good luck, I'm pulling for you!
Dave Knadler said…
You're right, of course. Beauty and wealth aside, my first thought was that people who have not experienced hardship are probably not the best guides for those who have. I'll take another look at that.